12 Jewels Lyrics – Burna Boy
Song Overview “12 Jewels” – Burna Boy
Artist Name | Burna Boy |
Featured Artist | RZA |
Song Title | 12 Jewels |
Album | “I told Them” (TRACK 12) |
Duration | 03:42 |
Writer(s) | Burna Boy |
Date Produced | 25TH August, 2023 |
Genre | Afrobeat, Afrofussion, and Hip-Hop |
Producer | LiTek & WhYJay |
Enjoy the song and follow the Lyrics:
[Interlude: RZA]
The twelve jewels are basically the twelve important things
That a man should inspire for
That’s the best acquisition you can have, right
And it’s simple
Knowledge, wisdom, understanding
Freedom, justice, equality
Food, clothing, shelter
Love, peace and happiness
Those are the twelve jewels
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