Fiokee Ft. Spyro – iZ HawT Lyrics
Song Overview
Artist Name | Fiokee |
Featured Artist | Spyro |
Song Title | iZ HawT |
Album | |
Duration | 2:31 |
Writer(s) | Fiokee |
Date Produced | 18th August, 2023 |
Genre | Afrobeat |
Producer | Fiokee Records |
Enjoy the song and follow the Lyrics:
D d d d dj kromulon
Spyro oh no no no
This your body is hot
Is hot, is hot, is hot, is hot, is hot
Ata rodo with souce, with souce, with souce, with souce, with souce , with souce
Tell your malam is gone, is gone, is gone, is gone, is gone, is gone, is gone, is gone
I say take me to church, to church, to church, to church, to church, to church, to church, to church
(Oh my God are you kidding me?)
Your body is hot, is hot, is hot, is hot, (girlie your body hot o) is hot, is hot, is hot, is hot ( girlie your Bo dy hot o) is hot, is hot, is hot, is hot
The weather is hot,
Wei tten by BigDann.
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