So What? ft. Shallipopi Lyrics – Tekno
Song Overview
Artist Name | Tekno |
Featured Artist | Shallipopi |
Song Title | So What? |
Album | |
Duration | 2:44 |
Writer(s) | Tekno |
Date Produced | 21st August, 2023 |
Genre | Afrobeat |
Producer | — |
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So What? Lyrics:
Tekno ft. Shallipopi – So What? Lyrics
Shey you see me dey?
Shey you see me dey complain
Shey you see me dey?
Shey you see me dey?
They call me Shallipopi
Drinks for
Drinks for club dem dey sell am double the amount
And so what?
Fine girls in the club wan dey use me cashout
And so?
15 ice chain I wear for my neck na too much weight
And so what?
Her backside na caterpillar
Shey you see me dey?
Shey you see me dey complain?
Shey you see me dey?
Shey you see me dey complain?
Shey you see me dey?
Shey you see me dey complain?
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