
Tested, Approved & Trusted Lyrics – Burna Boy

Song Overview “Tested, Approved & Trusted”

Artist NameBurna Boy
Featured Artist
Song TitleTested, Approved and Trusted
Album“I told Them” (TRACK 5)
Writer(s)Burna Boy
Date Produced25TH August, 2023
GenreAfrobeat, Afrofussion, and Hip-Hop
ProducerLiTek & WhYJay

Enjoy the song and follow the Lyrics:

Baby, don’t whine pon your seat
Come give me that
Jump upon my body like animal
Dance make you feel like carnival
I go lock you down like criminal
One touch feelin’ like one million
People just dey watch you like a cinema
Whine pon di ting like carnival
Make sure you do nobody else like this

Baby, don’t whine pon your seat
Come give me that
Jump upon my body like animal
Dance make you feel like carnival
I go lock you down like criminal
One touch feelin’ like one million
People just dey watch you like a cinema
Whine pon di ting like carnival
Make sure you do nobody else like this

Ehen, we, hey
Tested, approved and trusted, trusted
Tested, approved and trusted, oh, please, believe
Tested, approved and trusted, trusted
Tested, approved and trusted, trusted

[Verse 1]
Inna di middle of all of these beautiful girls in the world
Wey dey dance on the floor
As dem don manya na to bend am
Me I just want sempe for the centre
Baby, gyrate your waistline, roll it now
No slow down, just bring am, to me now
Submit am, no teasing

Baby, don’t whine pon your seat
Come give me that
Jump upon my body like animal
Dance make you feel like carnival
I go lock you down like criminal
One touch feelin’ like one million
People just dey watch you like a cinema
Whine pon di ting like carnival
Make sure you do nobody else like this

[Verse 2]Wan jasi
The way you do fantastic
Have to put on glasses
Make you no blind me with this your body
When I see you whinin’ fi di wall
Make me want to turn into the wall
Make me feel like we no dey for real life
Everything nice where you are

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Baby, don’t whine pon your seat
Come give me that
Jump upon my body like animal
Dance make you feel like carnival
I go lock you down like criminal
One touch feelin’ like one million
People just dey watch you like cinema
Whine pon di ting like carnival
Make sure you do nobody else like this

Ehen, we, hey
Tested, approved and trusted, trusted
Tested, approved and trusted, oh, please, believe
Tested, approved and trusted, trusted
Tested, approved and trusted, trusted

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Nelsyn is a dynamic music and entertainment blogger, specializes in crafting engaging articles covering Music, Fashion, Lifestyles, and Celebrity gossip. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for all things entertainment.

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