Waiting Lyrics – Korede Bello
Song Overview “Waiting”
Artist Name | Korede Bello |
Featured Artist | — |
Song Title | Waiting |
Album | “Beauty & Bliss” (TRACK 2) |
Duration | 03:26 |
Writer(s) | Korede Bello |
Date Produced | 25TH August, 2023 |
Genre | Afrobeat, Afrofussion, and Hip-Hop |
Producer | Steel Banglez |
Enjoy the song and follow the Lyrics:
Waiting Lyrics:
I’ll be waiting
I’ll be waiting
For you
I’ll be waiting for you
I’ll be waiting for you
Girl I like what I see when you open the door
So deep I can swim in your ocean floor
Believe I can fly
Cos you let me soar
Never let me fall
Never let me fall
Omo see gobe
Supernatural connection
Natural selection
Onjo leso leso
Sisi chocolate
Supernatural connection
Zero competition
Onjo leso le
I’ll be waiting
I’ll be waiting
For you
I’ll be waiting for you
I’ll be waiting for you
For you
For you
For you
For you
For you
For you
For you
Girl I like what I see when you open the door
So deep I can swim in your ocean floor
Believe I can fly
Cos you let me soar
Never let me fall
Never let me fall
Omo see gobe
Supernatural connection
Natural selection
Onjo leso leso
Sisi chocolate
Supernatural connection
Zero competition
Onjo leso le
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